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I love learning and working with new web tech. Unfortunately, the more I dive into Webflow, the more disapointet and confused I get.
Sublime Ads
I'm super excited to join my good friend Vincent in his endeavours to make Sublime Ads a go-to place for indie app owners wanting to place ads in their applications.
Still on Next.js but with a new theme.
I like working on my personal website and most of that work depends on the technologies I want to explore. Back in January of 2023 I switched from Wordpress to a static site powered by Next.js. And as much as I liked that approach, I wasn't really happy with the way my website looked.
Whats next for Watch Case in 2023
Watch Case gets semi-regular updates and most likely that wont change anytinme soon. However, the updates I released in the past and the one I'm about to release soon are quite substantial and worth talking about.